Saturday, January 8, 2011

Love and ambition are devotion for me. And Devotion is not just a single word for me but its a life for me as in devotion i think that i am yours or i am made for you whether i will get you or not. These are not option for me, these are my life.

I am saying to my heart-
My dear heart, the name given to you is not a name but you are here on the earth to make a name- a name that will be given by the God residing inside the inner and smallest part of heart and soul, of  people of the Universe. Your EXISTANCE is not with the SALT but only with YOU and GOD residing inside you.
So my dear heart, as i see you, your life can never be blurred and people will see this.
So my dear heart, break these temporary boundations and raise up with strong willpower and fly, fly wherever you want to go, do whatever you want to do.
If you will give one negative thought to you, it will give birth to ten negative thoughts but if you give yourself one positive thought it will give birth to ten positive thoughts and so on.

One time after falling if you will lie down then you will lie down to death but if one time after falling if you will raise up then you will raise up to life, life forever.

What we get in our life?

Not what we deserve but what we actually like, what we wish to have in our life and what we love to have in our life, as we are ready to do and we do a lot of try till our life is running and at last we get and we win.
If in case we doesn't get for what we are living till our life's last moment then I think it's best to die for that
as our death is also failed to change our wish, our desire and our love, our passion etc, etc.

Solution of badness is not the thoughts of badness or think about badness or to talk about badness but solution is thoughts of goodness, to think about goodness, to talk about goodness. So tell the people that what good qualities they have and what a human can have.

similarly Solution of cowardice is not to think about cowardice but is thoughts of our great and great spiritual power which is greatest of all great powers by which we can drink the oceans, we can crush the mountains even by watching only. So we should awake and rise up and FIGHT and SEE that all the Great THINGS are waiting to be happen by us.

One more thing i want to write which is very important to learn in one'e life is that-


Or say nothing is impossible for human as he is stronger than death.

A man of iron says to himself

fight o bharata! fight

and u r made to win

but to win is not every thing
win for expansion is needed

expansion is one name of God that

is great of greatest "LOVE" i.e.,

happyness happyness happyness.


everybody wants his supermacy that can be viewed sometime but can't happened actually,
as every history is circular everything that goes up has to go down and everything that goes down has to go up.

It is important to see world in a grain, after that most important thing is to undertand that there is no difference between small particle/world without conciousness and particles/universes with conciousness as every unconcious thing can become concious and this conciousness must be awaken.
particle= particle+antiparticle+conciousness
Unconcious is nothing but covering the concious so to convert unconcious into concious it is needed to uncover the concious.

It is so easy to commit something, It is so difficult to do that thing.

similarly it is so simple to make a friend but so difficult to be a friend.

I am starting writing because i want to write, I am ending writing because i have nothing to write.

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